
A conversion rate of 1 to 10 percent means that 90 to 99 percent do not convert. People want multiple touch points. Retargeting is the solution.

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Why the retargeting review?

Increasing ROI
Bringing in more customers
Present throughout the purchase decision process
Free retargetting review worth 325
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Retargeting review?

Curious about the possibilities of retargeting? Together we'll analyze your campaigns to see where the opportunities lie.


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What do customers say about us?

A team of specialists is an extension of your organization. What can you expect?

Very satisfied with the work Reservato has done. They are very thoughtful and often go the extra mile. The traffic on our website has increased significantly in a short period of time.
Michiel Doornenbal


In 2016, I met the guys at Reservato and we started SEO. Now we are in 1st position and 1st page in Google with many keywords.

Beatriz Mora van den Voort

Owner, Betty's Boops

Thanks to Reservato, the conversion rate of our new website increased by 129%. All in all, we are very satisfied with the cooperation with the boys.

Boy Hoogeveen


Retargeting is effective and gives visitors a chance to learn more.

Discover how retargeting converts one-time visitors to frequency visitors who move on to action.

Why retargeting

Increasing ROI

The campaign is going to cost money. You will recoup this investment twice over. The entire ROI of the campaigns will improve significantly.

Bringing in more customers

Visitors who normally only came to "visit" now do discover all that your company has to offer.


Present throughout the purchase decision process

Orienting and comparing. We all do it. So do your customers. Be present every stage and convince your potential customers of your added value.

What is retargeting?

Because a large portion of your visitors do not immediately sign up for the newsletter, request a quote or do not immediately make a purchase, you are losing these visitors without retargeting. This is a shame. After all, many of these visitors did not land on your website without reason. They are interested in your services or products otherwise they would not have looked at your website. They are just not ready to act yet. Pretty logical. They don't know you. Retargeting is a great way to show this person why you can provide value. We make sure your visitors stay in touch with your brand multiple times after they've visited your website and your company stays "top of mind.

How does retargeting work?

There are several ways to stay "top of mind. Actually, there is only one rule. We must make sure you are not irritating. Seeing an ad 100 times inviting you to request a quote when you have already requested a quote is an example of this. We only show your brand to people who have been on certain pages, performed certain actions, or a from a specific campaign. We can reach these people in a number of places.

Frequently asked about retargeting

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What is the cost of a retargeting campaign?

The cost of a retargeting campaign is usually lower than you are used to from ongoing campaigns. Because we only target visitors who we know are interested in your product or service, the cost per conversion will be low. The cost per click is sometimes higher because we target very specifically. This depends, among other things, on the number of people within the segment.

What channels can be used for retargeting?

Social media retargeting

    Facebook retargeting
    Email marketing retargeting (Mailchimp retargeting)
    Instagram retargeting
    Linkedin retargeting ads

Google retargeting

    Google analytics retargeting
    Google adwords retargeting
    Youtube retargeting

CRM retargeting

Ecommerce retargeting

    Shopify retargeting
    Retargeting woocommerce

What methods of retargeting are there?

Ways of displaying

    Display retargeting
    Video retargeting
    Keyword retargeting
    Product retargeting ads

What are the results of retargeting?

The results of retargeting are usually better than you are used to from ongoing campaigns. Because we carefully determine in advance which visitors will be included in the target group, only potentially interested visitors will see the ads. Depending on the current campaigns, we can give a concrete indication in the form of conversion percentage, retargeting cost per click and cost per conversion.

Retargeting increases ROI

Because a large portion of your visitors leave the website immediately, you've lost them. Retargeting keeps your brand top of mind. Discover the results.