Search engine optimization

Driving traffic to your website with ads is a good tool if you want to generate more sales immediately. However, most entrepreneurs also want to secure their positions for the long term and start working with search engine optimization. Do you also want to score in the non-paid search results?
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Get your customers to find you with SEO

Most business owners dream of it; getting more website visitors, more sales, leads and/or quote requests with search engine optimization (SEO). But where should you start with optimizing your website?

Search engine optimization consists of content, technology and offsite ranking factors. By optimizing these components, we ensure higher rankings in Google.

Wondering how your website ranks? Start with our free SEO review.

Take advantage of our free SEO review. Our SEO specialists will map the current situation of your website. You will receive a concrete search engine optimization action plan with points of improvement.

Why the SEO review?

Free analysis worth €375.

On-page, technical & backlink analysis

Concrete SEO improvement points

You immediately know the state of your website's SEO

90% of websites we analyze miss out on sales

Request a free SEO review.

Find out how we can drive more traffic and sales for you with our free SEO scan. After the review, there are no obligations. You probably do want to become a client and outsource your Google Ads with us 😉

* You will receive the review from us within 1 day. Of course, we never share your data with other parties.

What do customers say about us?

Handing over your website to an SEO specialist is quite exciting. So did our current clients at first. What can you expect?

Very satisfied with the work Reservato has done. They are very thoughtful and often go the extra mile. The traffic on our website has increased significantly in a short period of time.
Michiel Doornenbal


In 2016, I met the guys at Reservato and we started SEO. Now we are in 1st position and 1st page in Google with many keywords.

Beatriz Mora van den Voort

Owner, Betty's Boops

Thanks to Reservato, the conversion rate of our new website increased by 129%. All in all, we are very satisfied with the cooperation with the boys.

Boy Hoogeveen


What is search engine optimization?

Search engine optimization also known as SEO (search engine optimazation in English) is performing optimizations to improve the user experience of your website. Google is also one of those users. You need to make sure that Google can understand your website and read your content correctly.

search engine optimization - seo
seo conversion

SEO and Conversion Optimization

You're getting started with SEO? Optimizing for more conversions (purchases and contact requests) is essential in this regard. If your website traffic is doing nothing, it's a waste of your investment. We therefore put the focus of our SEO work in achieving conversions. With this golden combination, we can create a profitable campaign that quickly pays for itself. 

Why do I need SEO?

The goal of SEO is to rank higher in Google. Being high in Google with keywords relevant to your business drives more traffic, customers and sales. Is your website not listed when customers search for your product or service or do you have poor positions? Then SEO is the perfect opportunity to get more customers. 

difference seo and sea

Get started with SEO and beat the competition with us....

search engine optimization result

Why outsource SEO to Reservato?

Over 10 years of experience with SEO

Small SEO agency... You are not a number!

Local, national and international clients
We realize more visitors, leads and sales!
Own account manager

Proven track record

Real-time insight into your results (your own SEO dashboard).

Our SEO specializations

Search engine optimization consists of several disciplines. We manage them all! Below are our SEO specializations:

- Content optimization
- Technical SEO
- Link building
- Google my business (GMB Listing)
- Conversion optimization
- Speed optimization
- Implement

search engine optimisation specialist

SEO track by Reservato.

Handing your website over to an SEO specialist is pretty exciting. We go a step further than many other SEO companies. We have an SEO and conversion success formula that will give your business the next push.

1. We start with the basics.

Based on our SEO review, we can see where the areas of improvement lie for your website. Is this technology, on-page or your link profile? This is the basis for the SEO strategy we will deploy.

2. Structure

Structure is the basis for being found well in search engines. Based on a keyword analysis, we determine the menu structure and can optimize the texts for it.

3. Technical SEO analysis

Technique is the basis for scoring well. Therefore, we want to adjust and eliminate errors in technology as soon as possible. You can think about source code and speed optimization, among other things.

4. On-page analysis

With on-page factors, you tell search engines what a landing page is about. With our on-page analysis, we identify all the on-page factors for your website and ensure that these factors are optimized.

5. Funnel & Usability analysis.

How do people enter your website? Does your website provide visitors with the information they need to take an action? How do your contact forms and ordering process work? Now the real work begins... In our opinion, the perfect website is a true Sales Machine!

6. Backlink analysis

Authority (good link referrals) is one of the most important factors to rank well in Google. With our Backlink Analysis we map all link references to your website and create a customized link building strategy.

7. SEO optimization

We start by implementing the link building strategy. The foundation of your website has been laid. It's time to build more authority and get more return from the traffic coming to your website. Continuous improvement, taking advantage of new opportunities... We only go for gold ;)!

Want more traffic and customers through your website?

Find out how your website ranks and what could be better. Request our free SEO review!

Getting your website higher in Google is not just a button to turn on.

We probably don't need to tell you that almost everyone searches for products or services through Google. Likewise, you probably searched for an online marketing agency that offers search engine optimization (SEO) services and found us via top ranking in Google.

But did you also know:


Google has a market share in NL and Europe of +90%


About 35% of organic (SEO) traffic goes to the 1st position


The first 5 positions in Google get 75% of all clicks

Frequently asked SEO questions.

We may have answered your question before. Is your question not listed? Send an email to

What is search engine optimization?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, or search engine optimization. With search engine optimization you make sure your website ranks better in search engines on keywords that are relevant to your business. Want to know what SEO is and how search engine optimization works? Check out our blog article "What is SEO?".

How does SEO work and how do I get higher in Google?

Exactly how Google's algorithm works? No one knows this. There are as many as +200 factors that make your website rank well in Google. Google's goal is to provide its users with the best possible experience when doing a search. So in search engine optimization, it's important to optimize with this in mind.

The basics are good technology, optimized on-page factors and authority. With our SEO review, we create a customized search engine optimization strategy. Because every website is different, we start with the basics. Optimizing and redesigning your website to improve the authority (link popularity) to your website from there on a monthly basis.

Outsource SEO or do it yourself?

Do you still have doubts whether you should outsource SEO for your website? Lack of knowledge and time is often the main reason for hiring an SEO specialist.

It is often more effective and less expensive to hire an SEO company than to hire an SEO specialist yourself.

It is important to weigh the pros and cons for yourself.

What does SEO outsourcing cost?

There is no set cost for SEO. The cost depends on several factors. Namely:

1. How your website is built;
2. What you want to be found on;
3. How much competition there is;
4. How your competitors are doing SEO;
5. Your goals;

In our view, it's better to look at what budget you want to spend on SEO. What fits within your budget? What do you want to achieve? And within what time period do you want to achieve this? Based on these questions, we can give you a price indication. Request our free review and find out what your company needs to get higher in Google.

How long does it take for SEO to start producing results?

There is no set cost for SEO. The cost depends on several factors. Namely:

1. How your website is built;
2. What you want to be found on;
3. How much competition there is;
4. How your competitors are doing SEO;
5. Your objective

In our view, it's better to look at what budget you want to spend on SEO. What fits within your budget? What do you want to achieve? And within what time period do you want to achieve this? Based on these questions, we can give you a price indication. Request our free review and find out what your company needs to get higher in Google.

What is the difference between SEO and SEA?

Your website can be visible in Google in several ways. You can score with your website in the 'organic results' but also by advertising.

The organic results search results are below the ads. See a screenshot below:

The difference between SEO and SEA

Want to score with SEO?

Request our free SEO review and find out how we can grow your business.