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What are keywords (keywords, search terms and search queries?

Keywords, keywords, search terms and search queries. There are many variants (synonyms) used in the online landscape that all mean the same thing. But what are keywords?

If you have a successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, it means you have found the right balance of keywords to land your potential customers on your website. But what then is a keyword? In this article, we will explain the definition of keywords and how they are used in determining your SEO strategy

What are keywords?

If you are looking for a simple description, you can say that a keyword is a word that is used as a reference point for finding information and thus responds to a particular need. For example, someone looking for a hairdresser in Almere will search for "Hairdresser Almere" or "Hair salon Almere." Someone looking for a lawyer will search "lawyer employment law" or "lawyer hiring" in a search engine.

The higher your website ranks with keywords relevant to your business, the better you will be found by your target audience.

Why choose a particular keyword/keyword?

Another important question after what are keywords? Is: Why choose a keyword? Web pages have information that people are looking for, so when you write a page you need to think about the keywords that people will use to find a web page.

Finding the right keywords for your page can be complicated if you don't know what metrics to look at. That's why we've laid out a few points for you to think about when determining the keywords for your website and pages.

Search volume of a keyword:

The search volume of a keyword is important in determining which keywords to focus on. A keyword that is frequently searched for also generates many visitors (provided, of course, that your website is on the first page).

High search volume, high level of competition

No matter how good and high the search volume of a keyword is. You still need to consider the competition. By using a keyword research tool, you can find out how high the search volume and competition is for a keyword. You can then take this into account when determining which keywords to focus on (keyword targeting).

Determine keywords

Which keyword do you choose to focus on? Unfortunately, you don't know in advance whether a particular keyword will generate conversions for your website. You can find this out by setting up your website analytics properly.

Tips on determining keywords:

  • We always recommend checking with your own clients to see how they would look for someone if they were searching for your services.
  • What keywords would you use yourself if you were looking for someone doing the same thing?
  • Using a keyword research tool, see how your competitors rank?
  • By using Google Ads you can target broad search terms, also known as broad modified. Using this search type, you can download a handy overview in Google Ads (the search terms report) where you get insight into how often your ad came up, how often it was clicked on, and how many conversions (requests, downloads, sales, etc) your website received through the search terms activated on this search type.
  • After you define a keyword, you can target relevant words for name recognition.
  • Do not use words with multiple meanings.
  • Target long tail keywords (these are keywords with at least two to three words).
  • Ask people around you how they looked up your site so you can define your keywords.
  • Check the status of your current website / keywords.
  • To properly define keywords, search for this term yourself in Google to see the results. Does this match what you offer? Then this is probably a good keyword to focus on.

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