Quality Score Google Ads

Improve quality score Google Ads? The smith's secret to a successful Google Adwords campaign. Almost unraveled...


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Quality Score Google Ads

Has the company optimizing your Google Ads campaigns never heard of quality score? Then that might explain why you pay so much every month and the results are disappointing. Outsourcing your Adwords campaign to Reservato might come in handy then.

The quality score is perhaps the most important indicator of good results, and we are working day in and day out to make this a 10. 100% relevance. That's the secret. More blood, sweat and tears. But also more results and sales.

Just a little example. Suppose you are looking for a yellow banana with green dots. Full of good cheer, you go to Google and type this.

quality score Google Ads

Nice going you think.

You click on the first ad. It says:

"Yellow Banana - Tasty and flavorful."

Vaguely, where are those dots? Whatever... Then you get to the website and what do you see?

red tomato on green leaves

A red apple. With sort of yellow dots.

None of this makes any sense.

That pretty much sums up what can go wrong with a poor quality score. It indicates how well the content on the landing page and the corresponding ad match the search term.

Low quality score Google Ads

The Google Ads quality score is an assessment of the quality and relevance of both keywords, PPC ads and landing pages. It affects the cost per click (CPC) and ad position in the auction process. Factors that influence quality score include: click rate (CTR), relevance of each keyword to its ad group, quality and relevance of the landing page, relevance of your ad text and the historical performance of your Google Ads account.

What to do if your Google Ads quality score is low?

Improve, of course. But well, which knobs to turn?

Improve quality score Google Ads

Improving quality score can lead to higher ad positions and lower costs. To improve quality score, you can focus on: performing better keyword analysis, optimizing ad copy, optimizing landing pages and adding negative keywords to avoid irrelevant impressions. A higher quality score is achieved by structuring PPC campaigns into small, well-organized, closely related groups of keywords. This is "rotten work" but produces more results. So less Google Ads cost and therefore no such annoying high Google Ads bill without results.

Google Ads quality score can be improved by applying these five strategies:

  1. Analyze quality score: focus on expected click rate, ad relevance, and destination page experience. These provide insight into areas to improve.
  2. Improve relevance of ads to keywords: tailor ad text to keywords and group keywords thematically to increase relevance.
  3. Optimize click rate (CTR): make ads more attractive and specific to improve both CTR and conversion rates.
  4. Optimize the landing page: make sure the landing page is relevant, improve mobile friendliness and loading speed.
  5. Combine quality score with other indicators: use quality score in conjunction with CTR, conversion rate and site engagement for detailed insight into potential areas of improvement.

Need help with quality score optimization?

Every day we are working on this. Our mission is to convert visitors into customers. This is only possible if there is relevant traffic on the website. That's why we make popping Google Ads campaigns that are super specific and relevant. This takes more time, but also delivers much more. Everyone happy. At least, do you join the ride? 👋

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